Emotional Freedom Technique
“Being able to feel safe with other people is probably the single most important aspect of mental health; safe connections are fundamental to meaningful and satisfying lives.”
Bessel A. van der Kolk, The Body Keeps the Score
What is EFT? Emotional Freedom Technique is an alternative treatment for physical pain and emotional distress. It’s also referred to as tapping or psychological acupressure. We have certain places on our bodies that meridians channel energy through and by tapping on these points we gain back our balance, flow, creativity, and clarity. Oftentimes EFT can have a quicker result than psychotherapy (talk therapy) because it directly triggers the body where trauma is stored. Tracilyn holds an advanced practitioner certification from The Sophia School of Healing Arts.
She is currently offering EFT sessions in person and online. Unlike other healing modalities online EFT is just as effective as an in person option. It is completely up to the client's preference.
EFT can be used for:
Past Trauma
Manifesting Desires
Inner Peace
Overall Wellbeing
………and much more!

“My EFT session with Traci was profound and truly healing. She created such a beautiful space where I felt safe for ANY feelings to show up, and show up they did. Before I knew it we were off on an incredible journey together and I couldn’t have been in safer or more capable hands. She guided me through the EFT (also called tapping) experience with knowledge, power, and GRACE. I would absolutely recommend EFT to everyone, and specifically Traci as your guide/practitioner”
-Anna K. Morris.
"I feel amazing!! I had a HUGE job thing happening at the time and I had a ton on my mind walking into our session. I felt like it was no accident that she kept telling me that I knew the answer and to trust my gut.:) And every day after that session, I got more and more certain about things! I am honestly excited to do another session. It blew my mind!:)"
-Angela Briones
"My tapping session was amazing...
It was very helpful to me, I feel like I'm turning a corner on how I look at things and that definitely helped!"
-Chris Weedman RN
IN STUDIO Clearing Session
Experience this powerful energetic modality in a luxurious comfortable sanctuary. All in person sessions offer light restorative yoga therapy afterwards to better integrate your transformation. 90 minutes/ $149.00 Package of 4/ $499.00
ZOOM Clearing Session
Take advantage of the privacy of your own home and witness EFT virtually. 60-80 minutes/ $129.00 Package of 4/ $399.00
EFT CIRCLE Clearing Session
Explore EFT in an in-person group setting. Delve into this magical work with other trusted souls. Have different issues? It doesn't matter! Bring up to 8 people and delight in collective synergy. 70 minutes/ $229.00
* This is not a traditional therapy session. Times are approximate depending on each client's unique situation and intention for the session. If a session goes longer there is no additional fee. Packages are highly encouraged for anyone who has a long-term issue or wants to dive deeper into this work. *Pricing can be prorated after your first session.
Sliding scale options can be explored on a limited monthly basis for individuals in financial need.